Every time I try to make a Sabbath rule, I immediately encounter its exception. A few examples:
Thou shalt not go to the grocery store. Unless thou forgets the icing for decorating cookies with thy daughter. If, however, thou usest that trip to also buy eggs and bread, the eggs wilt be cracked, and the bread wilt go moldy unnecessarily early.
Thou shalt not watch a movie. Unless thy son begs thee to join him in trashing the latest Indiana Jones flick.
Thou shalt not listen to the radio. Unless it’s Car Talk. Jesus enjoyests a good laugh with Tom and Ray.
Thou shalt rise early to pray. Unless thy husband begs thee to sleep in.
Thou shalt attend a worship service. Unless thy mother needs thee.
Thou shalt not exercise. Unless thou needs a good run to clear thy head for worship.
Thou shalt not go out to eat. Unless thy grandmother is paying.
Thou shalt nap. No exceptions!
Have any rules and/or exceptions to add? I’d love to post them!