Dear Bloggy Friends,
Those of you spread across the country, doing your part to fill online spaces with good words, I have neglected you, and I am sorry. I have missed you all.
I almost wish I could claim some awful tragedy over the past four months prevented me from visiting your blogs and reading your guest posts. But no. I was just busy finishing my own book. My manuscript is now being edited, and I can finally think beyond my own words.
Those of you who released books during these months, I haven’t read them. I haven’t even seen the hype. I know I’ve missed so much great stuff.
I swore I wouldn’t be this person, the person too busy for anyone but herself. But I was. Of course, I did, you know, still do my job and move two kids to school and take a much-needed vacation with my husband. Polo and Clover still got walked. I’ve traveled over 1,200 miles in the last two weeks … all in Texas.
The one place I won’t be traveling this fall is to The High Calling retreat at Laity Lodge. That weekend already is full. But I will read your words.
Distractedly yours,