A week or so ago on May 5 was Poem On Your Pillow Day, a Tweetspeak holiday. One of the things I love about Tweetspeak Poetry is how they continue to find new ways to celebrate poetry.
As I scrolled through their offerings, one poem caught my eye—it was one I’d seen before, though I’m not sure where. It’s called “with faith” by Sarah Elwell. A friend once told me it meant a lot to her while she was letting go of one professional adventure and beginning another.
So then I had my poem, but it was all for me. Not for my husband. Not for my children. Was it okay to put a poem on my own pillow?
Well, I did.
I love the boating imagery: “tides, float away.” It’s not much, but enough to know there’s a boat. I like the prepositions in “hauling up and stacking out.” And what are we hauling and stacking? Dreams, “dreams all over the place.” Maybe there are so many of them that they are no longer too special. If we let one go, there will be another.
And of course, there’s the wind, which is such a factor when heading out on the big blue. It has work to do, “the hardest work.” It works “for you,” for me. I will see “the frightening things float away / don’t be worried.” Oh, but I do! Look at those things move out to sea … what am I to do? “just let it go.”
What a “small perfect” poem.