Two Crow Poems featured for Black Bird Soirée
The fabulous Laurie Klein occasionally records a brief (under 5 minutes) podcast for TS Poetry, in which she reads a poem or two. Right now she is reading poems about all kinds of black birds for the series Black Bird Soirée.
The most recent episode included two of my poems from Rainbow Crow: “Definitions” and “Noah’s Crow.” Hope they make you chuckle.
(P.S. The poem is currently for patrons only, but will soon be up at Soundcloud. I’ll post a link asap!)
“Megan Willome has captured the essence of crow in this delightful children’s collection. Not only do the poems introduce the reader to the unusual habits and nature of this bird, but also different forms of poetry as well.”
—Michelle Ortega, poet and children’s speech pathologist