In Your Own Words: ‘Mattress’
Those of us writing through Dave Malone’s Tornado Drill for my 3-week course In Your Own Words are sharing poems.
Here’s mine for session 9, which uses variations of the color yellow as metaphor. All the colors and descriptions come from A is for Azure by L.L. Barkat, illustrated by Donna Z. Falcone. The person I am writing about has synesthesia and processes music in color.
With My Little Eye
with A is for Azure
You are a Brass-petaled field
a Jasmine coil
a Xanthic mix
sometimes I hear your Yellow hello
when no one is near.
You are tucked in a Red bed for gold.
You hide in plain sight in Kiwi
and Vermillion
and Umber
and Silver
even in White
and in the corners of Purple
along a Navy trail
on the far edge of an Iceberg stream.
You are nowhere to be found in Fuchsia,
(one of my favorites).
I spy you in a Cranberry twirl
and a Denim blue sea.
Do you spy me spying you?
Perhaps it is you on the margins of an Orange flame
in the back of a Midnight terrain (it’s been so long,
forgive me). Isn’t that you–
running from Tangerine’s sun?
–Megan Willome