Yes, I’m quoting a song from the movie “Frozen” again. And it’s not an entirely appropriate reference for what I’m about to say, but it’s what came to mind, so I’m going with it.
In the song, Anna asks her sister, Elsa, to come out and play. Friends, I feel like a certain someone knocked on my door New Year’s Day and asked, “Do you want to build a snowman?” Only what she actually asked was, “Do you want to write a book for us?”
Unlike Elsa, I opened the door. Said yes. Signed a contract with the good folks at TS Poetry.
Apparently, Laura Barkat (who is more like Elsa than Anna, although she’s not given to using her powers to encase cities in ice) had already been playing with the idea for a while.
Hence, there’s already a cover:
Forthcoming in 2015.